Challenge № 1 March

Challenge № 1 March | « Use eco-friendly transport »

This month we look at how we move around on a daily basis. It’s no secret that traffic jams are heavy in Luxembourg, and that the private car is not an ecological model.

So this month, we invite you to pay particular attention to your modes of transport, and to favour the most ecological ones.

If you take your car every day, find out about car-sharing options, public transport or cycling! Rather than being stuck in traffic, having time to read your book on the train is a great way to get around. Cycling can help you discover your neighbourhood (one of us came across a self-managed book box when we got lost in a residential neighbourhood on our way to the grocery store). ). If getting lost isn’t your thing, the gps of the phones are quite efficient, and up to a few kilometres away, the bicycle is often the fastest means of transportation!