

May will be dedicated to the garden. We will discuss the themes of food self-sufficiency, biodiversity, but also cooperation and conviviality. The garden covers many aspects, whether technical, political or philosophical, which is why the month of May will alternate between theory and practice with a conference but also a plant exchange and numerous workshops.

Luxembourg abounds in initiatives around the garden that we will discover in May and perhaps get involved on a long-term basis afterwards.

“These Gardens Are Blueprints”, written and performed by Naima Penniman at Soul Fire Farm

“These Gardens Are Blueprints” celebrates the power of growing life-giving food and medicine for our own communities. In a time of immense food scarcity for many BIPOC communities, we are partnering with nature towards our collective survival.

Written and performed by Naima Penniman at Soul Fire Farm, this video was filmed and edited by
Jeanette Lam and Rasheeda Pierre of Youth FX.

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« L’agriculture régénératrice » – Karine Paris (Coordinatrice – Urban Gardening du CELL)

Parler d’agriculture régénératrice signifie avant tout parler de sol !

Contrairement à la permaculture qui consiste à concevoir des systèmes, l’agriculture régénératrice est un ensemble de méthodes de cultures qui passent avant tout à la régénération des sols. En portant un soin particulier à la qualité des sols, elle vise à produire une alimentation nutritive tout en ayant un impact positif sur le climat.

Continue Reading « L’agriculture régénératrice » – Karine Paris (Coordinatrice – Urban Gardening du CELL)

Bibliograpy May

Every month, we are very happy to be able to offer you a bibliography that looks a little bit further into the topics we’re discussing. We invite you to visit our partner librairies CID Fraen an Gender, Citim as well as Oekobib. All information on our three partner librairies can be found here. Download Bibliography May (PDF)

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Challenge № 2 May

This week, we’re switching to compost! Composting means reducing your waste by an average of 30%, taking out the bin less often and giving back to the earth what is supposed to be there. Compost is an excellent contribution to the garden, as is the “tea” produced by earthworms.

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Events May



April will be dedicated to the bathroom, which includes Do It Yourself topics, clothes and of course water. Without water, there is no life, and the consumption of objects and clothes has a huge impact on the planet’s water resources. After the scandals of recent years, most of us are aware that our material consumption exceeds the capacity of our planet and is a source of glaring inequalities.

In April, we will explore in more detail the impact of clothing and ways (Do It Yourself, second hand, sharing…) to reduce it. Our focus will also be on water, which is not only impacted by the clothing industry and is a precious resource: what is the situation in Luxembourg? What is the impact of a simple act of consumption?

« How can fashion companies put in good use the largely unknown dyad immigration and fashion production to achieve social inclusion and agility in production? »

“Immigrants are the backbones of the fashion industry. From production to design houses, fashion has been predominantly run by immigrant populations. Even today, you go down the list of designers, I would say 80 percent of designers are immigrants. It would impact the fashion industry tremendously if we don’t have our voices heard.”

Continue Reading « How can fashion companies put in good use the largely unknown dyad immigration and fashion production to achieve social inclusion and agility in production? »

Bibliography April

Every month, we are very happy to be able to offer you a bibliography that looks a little bit further into the topics we’re discussing. We invite you to visit our partner librairies CID Fraen an Gender, Citim as well as Oekobib. All information on our three partner librairies can be foundhere. Download Bibliography April

Continue Reading Bibliography April

Events April



We will spend March in the garage to discuss mobility, a subject that is so important in the Grand Duchy. We will also address the topics of land use, spatial development and urban space. What role for citizens in these issues? What are the inspiring examples from elsewhere and how can they be adapted in Luxembourg? This month’s entire programme will be devoted to giving us food for thought in order to invent a Luxembourg project.

Podcast № 6 – Camille Muller

‘How to live together in a one planet world?’ – op déi Fro ginn et vill Äntwerten a Léisungen. De Schrëftsteller Luc Spada stellt eis all Mount verschidde Perséinlechkeete fir a beliicht hier Gedanken, Erfarungen an Dreem um Wee an eng nohalteg a gerecht Gesellschaft. Eisen Invité dëse Mount ass de Camille Muller.

Continue Reading Podcast № 6 – Camille Muller

« Postwachstum und Regionalentwicklung » – Christian Schulz, Université du Luxembourg, Department of Geography and Spatial Planning

In Zeiten globaler Krisen-Phänomene (Armut/Hunger, Klimawandel, Migration/Flucht, Covid-19-Pandemie), die sich durch zeitliche Überlagerung und inhaltliche Wechselwirkungen in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung verdichtet haben, haben Debatten über globale Ressourcen, ökologische Wachstumsgrenzen und mögliche Lösungsansätze jüngst eine neue Dringlichkeit erfahren. In diesem Kontext nimmt die Diskussion über so genannte Postwachstums-Ansätze eine prominente Position ein.

Continue Reading « Postwachstum und Regionalentwicklung » – Christian Schulz, Université du Luxembourg, Department of Geography and Spatial Planning

Challenge № 4 March

Since the beginning of the month, we’ve been suggesting that you abandon the car for more gentle and/or shared mobility. Our aim has not escaped you: to encourage you to discover your neighbourhood, even if it means getting a bit lost sometimes. What did you discover? A bit of sad grass, a little corner to read, a passage that lacks flowers, a wall that is sad in its whiteness?

Continue Reading Challenge № 4 March

Events March


Living Room

February will be devoted to knowledge, culture and collective intelligence. A resilient and responsible world is certainly not a world without culture! Without revealing the full programme, we can already tell you that lifelong learning, citizen collaboration and the impact of art on communities will be at the heart of February’s programme.

What other field but imagination and knowledge are better able to build a different future? February will present us with a blank canvas and the tools that go with it for this collective creation.

« Sou LIICHTMËSS Du en Ënnerscheed // Be the light of change! » – Zesumme fir d’Agenda 2030

Over the past months, the same questions have been running through Lou’s mind as she sits in her living room. What impact has the COVID-19 crisis had on society? How can the crisis be used to bring about sustainable change in Luxembourg both inside and outside the home? What role can Lou play in all of this herself? How can we all play a valuable role in bringing about social change? How can we become actors of change (AoCs)?

Continue Reading « Sou LIICHTMËSS Du en Ënnerscheed // Be the light of change! » – Zesumme fir d’Agenda 2030

Bibliography February

Every month, we are very happy to be able to offer you a bibliography that looks a little bit further into the topics we’re discussing. We invite you to visit our partner librairies CID Fraen an Gender, Citim as well as Oekobib. All information on our three partner librairies can be found here. Download Bibliography February (PDF)

Continue Reading Bibliography February



In January, we will settle down comfortably in the bedroom. This place brings together the themes of inner transition, education, childhood and recreation.

Changing the world by taking care of oneself: a paradox? Life is beautiful but energy-consuming: work, struggles, family, stress, eco-anxiety… So we want to talk about ways to take care of ourselves in all these aspects. Resilience is also an inner process, which will be evoked during this month, without injunctions but by exploring different ways to build it. And when we talk about inner transition, how can we not talk about childhood and education?

« What does a good night’s sleep cost you? » – José da Costa, director ErwuesseBildung

Initially, many months ago, I had decided to research the hell out of the topic of sleep, in order to provide you with a scientifically sound article, but rather than delivering an academically dry paper, I am taking the liberty of sharing my own personal experiences, based on the readings, tips and tricks, that have shaped my thoughts and actions on the matter.

Continue Reading « What does a good night’s sleep cost you? » – José da Costa, director ErwuesseBildung

Bibliography January

Every month, we are very happy to be able to offer you a bibliography that looks a little bit further into the topics we’re discussing. We invite you to visit our partner librairies CID Fraen an Gender, Citim as well as Oekobib. All information on our three partner librairies can be found here. Download Bibliography January (PDF)

Continue Reading Bibliography January



December will be devoted to the office, where we will discuss the issues of work, money and office technology.

It is now common knowledge that office technologies have a considerable ecological and social impact. In our office, we will try to understand why this impact is so important, and how to reduce it from a social and environmental point of view.

Work and money are an important part of our lives, were it only because of the time they take up in our lives. All over the world, transition actors are developing alternative economic projects and showing new ways of providing goods and services. How can we enhance existing projects and invent new ones? We will try to answer these questions in December.

« Repenser l’économie pour agir contre le dérèglement climatique : c’est possible ? » – REconomy Luxembourg

La pandémie de la covid-19 que nous traversons a paradoxalement ouvert autant d’espoir qu’elle a créé de désillusion. Brutalement confiné.es, pour la plupart d’entre nous, nous avons pu (re)prendre conscience de la valeur des choses essentielles, du besoin de rencontres et d’amitiés, du plaisir de cuisiner, de jardiner, de faire les choses soi-même. Les appels enfiévrés au « monde de demain » firent long feu. Et les appels incessants à la relance de l’économie (parfois verte) nous ont replongé.es dans le quotidien de la publicité et de la frénésie de consommation, et donc de son corollaire de production de CO2 qui est le principal facteur du dérèglement climatique, de la surexploitation des ressources naturelles et de la perte de la biodiversité.

Continue Reading « Repenser l’économie pour agir contre le dérèglement climatique : c’est possible ? » – REconomy Luxembourg

Bibliography December

Every month, we are very happy to be able to offer you a bibliography that looks a little bit further into the topics we’re discussing. We invite you to visit our partner librairies CID Fraen an Gender, Citim as well as Oekobib. All information on our three partner librairies can be found here. Download Bibliography…

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We will then move on to the workshop, where we design, repair and build. Energy and technology – but also low technology – will be in the limelight this November.

We will have the opportunity to reflect on our collective and individual relationship to technology, and to get our hands dirty at a big repair café where we can take apart, reassemble, nail, sew or saw.

« Dans la jungle énergétique » – Marie-Alix Dalle, Thomas Gibon & Frederic Conrotte

Imagine-toi, aventurier-ère au cœur d’une immense forêt vierge tropicale, marchant depuis plusieurs jours sans croiser une goutte d’eau. Assoiffé-e, tu tombes sur une mare stagnante peuplée de larves gesticulantes, et alimentée par un cours d’eau quasiment à sec. Attends-tu patiemment que le cours d’eau remplisse ta gourde, ou plonges-tu goulument la tête dans la mare, au diable les larves, ça fera des protéines ?

Continue Reading « Dans la jungle énergétique » – Marie-Alix Dalle, Thomas Gibon & Frederic Conrotte

Virtual Repair Day

Comme le Repair Day ce mois n’a pas pu avoir lieu comme prévu, nous avons demandé à nos partenaires de nous envoyer une petite vidéo. Pour vous donner une idée de ce à quoi vous pouviez vous attendre – il y aura de nombreuses possibilités de participer à un Repair Café dans un avenir proche. Mais qu’est-ce qu’un Repair Café et d’où vient-il ? Claude Schergen, qui a fondé le Repair Café Luxembourg, a quelques réponses à ce sujet.

Continue Reading Virtual Repair Day

Events November



Food crystallises many challenges for a sustainable future, and is often the first topic addressed when talking about Transition. So let’s start in October in the first room of the house: the kitchen. There we will discuss food issues: impact, waste, sovereignty, alternatives… to imagine a food transition for the Grand-Duchy.


How to live together in a one planet world

In September, we will explore the roof of this house and unleash our imagination to tackle the complex subject of how to live together on one planet. This introductory month will include transition initiatives, strategies for collective resilience, and the use of stories as tools for transformation.