Challenge № 2 March

Challenge № 2 March | « Get ready for some guerilla gardening »

March is the time to prepare your seedlings so that you can take over your neighbourhood with plants in a few weeks time. 

Sow normally for your garden, balcony or window sill… and add several tomato plants, borage and other plants that you want to find in your neighbourhood this summer. 

In a few weeks, you can plant them in a crack in the roadway or the base of a tree to offer fruits and vegetables to your neighbours, or a place for bees to forage. 

You can also make seed bombs to give to everyone around you! There is a very simple tutorial here: . After all, you do live in this neighbourhood, don’t you? So bring a little greenery: the bees will thank you, and frankly, citizen land development starts when people get involved in their neighbourhood. Planting a plant of vegetables may be the beginning of the road to a great impact on your environment, who knows?